jueves, 30 de enero de 2025

IA: impacts in Information Networks

The text presents excerpts from Yuval Noah Harari's book "Nexus", which explores the history of information networks, from prehistory to artificial intelligence (AI). Harari analyzes how information, as a social nexus, has driven human cooperation but has also generated problems such as misinformation and the misuse of power. The impact of AI is discussed, considering that it is not just a tool, but an agent with the capacity to make its own decisions that could alter the course of history and evolution. The structures of information networks in democratic and totalitarian systems are compared, highlighting the importance of self-correction mechanisms in democracy versus the centralization of power in totalitarian regimes. Finally, the text warns about the potential dangers of uncontrolled AI and the need to create institutions capable of regulating it and avoiding a catastrophe.

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Original post in spanish: https://www.detodounpoco.com.uy/2025/01/el-impacto-de-la-ia-en-las-redes-de.html

[Escuchar el podcast aquí]



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